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Stripes Stores
Community News
Stripes® Convenience Stores Pediatric Cancer Awareness
Community Event Tour Concludes
Caption: MD Anderson patients Strike Through Cancer at a Stripes® Store in Corpus Christi, Texas. Photo Credit: Eric Hammond, Stripes® Stores
Stripes Convenience Stores and MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital hosted seven “Stripes Celebrates Tomorrows” campaign kick-offs and Cancer Strike Through events throughout its Texas markets. The events began on September 2nd in Houston, Texas and wrapped up in Corpus Christi, Texas, on September 10th. Each community was invited to paint a red line (strike) through the word cancer emblazoned outside of designated Stripes locations. Customers, cancer patients, elected officials (city, county, state and federal) and Stripes employees were able to write tributes and words of encouragement to honor their loved ones during the kick-off events. The campaign is called Stripes® Celebrates Tomorrows (in-store fundraising campaign) and ran from September 1- 28, 2014, during Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. The Company goal was to raise $500,000 and all funds are directed to MD Anderson’s Children’s Cancer Hospital.