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El Grito Ring Tone
Stripes Stores
Got an iPhone?
Step 1: Download the audio file!
Right click (PC) or Ctrl click (Mac) on the link below and save the audio file to your computer.
Download the Gritos Mariachi Corto Ringtone here! (iPhones only)
Step 2: Open the audio file in iTunes.
Drag and drop the audio file into iTunes or open it through the iTunes "File" menu. Don't look for it in your music library, it's not there! Instead you will find it under Tones in the left drop-down menu for your iTunes library.
Don't see Tones in the left drop-down menu? Don't panic. Click on the "Edit" menu in iTunes and select preferences. In the dialog box that opens, click on the "General" tab and then check the "Tones" box. Click OK. Now "Tones" should be displayed in your drop-down menu.
Step 3: Time to Sync!
Connect your iPhone to iTunes and click on the Tones tab. If it's not already checked, click the "Sync Tones" checkbox. Then click either “All tones” or “Selected tones." If you choose "Selected Tones" make sure you check the box next to GRITOS MARIACHI CORTO. Then apply and sync your phone as normal.
Step 4: Update your Sounds setting on your iPhone.
In your iPhone's Settings panel, click on "Sounds," then "Ring Tone," then select "GRITO MARIACHI CORTO." You're done!
Got an Android Phone?
Step 1: Download the audio file!
Right click (PC) or Ctrl click (Mac) on the link below and save the audio file to your computer.
Download the Gritos Mariachi Corto Ringtone here! (Android Phones)
Step 2: Connect your phone's storage to your computer.
Either connect the phone to the computer via a USB cable or plug your phone's storage card into your computer using a MicroSD adapter. If you connect using a USB cable, you will need to "mount" the phone. Do this by opening the notifications on your phone, touch the notification stating that your phone is connected and choose the option connect as a Media Device (MTP).
Step 3: Create a Ringtones folder on your phone's storage card.
You can skip this step if you already have a folder where you store ringtones. After completing step 2, you will see your phone's storage card displayed as a drive in "My Computer." Open this drive and create a new folder by clicking the "New Folder" button at the top of the window. Name the folder "Ringtones."
Step 4: Copy the file!
Drag and drop the ringtone file from your computer to the Ringtones folder you created in step 3. Disconnect your device from your computer.
Step 5: Update your Sounds setting on your phone.
From the home screen, press the menu/navigation button, and select Settings, then Sound, then Phone ringtone. Locate and select GRITOS-MARIACHI-CORTO. If you don't see it, turn off the phone and it should be there when you turn it back on.